Friday, 24 September 2010

   So my friend brought up an interesting topic today; people's texting obsession. People are addicted to texting now days. My friend was literally the only other person, excluding my mum, to call me, in I have no idea how many months. It was extremely sad to think about. Why would you not call someone? It's a hell of a lot faster to make a 2 minute phone call then spend 30 minutes texting back and forth with someone. I'm estimating 30 minutes because of the usual 5 minute wait between replies, and then of course the typing out of your thoughts on a miniature keyboard--which will undoubtedly lead to typing errors you'll have to correct. Texting is a hassle not a help when trying to have a conversation with another person. I'm sure the people who came up with texting only imagined it to be utilised for quick reminders or changes in plans of party dates. But texting has become the new form of communication. Completely replacing phone calls.
  Texting is highly impersonal. You can't hear the other persons voice or even glimpse their face(which would help greatly in the communication department). Many a time I have misinterpreted people's reactions and feelings via text messaging. Because words have difficulty conveying emotions(unless you use the big ones. :) And we all know the typical teenager has a limited vocabulary. Like OMG, that's so true!) especially text-speak.
 Hey, how r u? (Oppps! Shame on me. Text-speak has no commas)
hey how r u
gr8 lol
what r u up 2
nm hbu
same lol
OMG! ( my favorite text-speak word.:] ) guess what happened 2 me 2day!?marbles askd me out!!!
OMG! thats awesm grl no way! good 4 u
hes soo hott
smokn lol
well i gtg
kk ily
i<3u 2
c u 2mro
  Well, that took longer for something that is supposed to be short hand. My stupid grammar skills interfered. I forgot there is no such thing as punctuation and capital letters in texting land. I'm terribly sorry if you parted with brain cells after reading my fake and dreadfully shallow rendition of bubble-head teenagers text speaking.
   Now I know it seems as if I am hating on texting. Don't get me wrong; I text too and am guilty of replacing my yous with just a u. But only if I am in a hurry. I make every effort to capitalize, punctuate, and spell accurately whenever I am texting. If I had it my way I would not text nearly as much as I do. But as I stated before, it is the preferred method of my friends. It can be convenient in certain situations. I just feel people are forgetting how to have real conversations. A real discussion is where you give the other person your undivided attention-- maybe even making eye contact. Replying using one word, through an electronic device, while you shovel food into your mouth, worrying about the Geometry test you have 5th hour is not really talking to someone. It requires almost no physical or mental effort.