Tuesday 28 December 2010

Where's My Prince Charming?

So I'm sitting here freaking out that I'm a total loser because I'm 16 and have never held hands, kissed, or dated a boy. Sure I've had people hit on me even ask for my number--but they were all players and potheads. Why am I spazing over this? Well I was at my friend's unofficial 16th Birthday party( she didn't want one but her mom made her a cake and told her to invite people over. lol I had a really great time) and with the room being full of girls, the conversation eventually lead to boys. Everyone in the room has dated multiple guys, some have even lost the virginity already. And there sits little innocent me; never been kissed. It made me feel out of place, having never done anything with a boy. But it didn't really hit me until just now.
  But you know what, I realized--sitting here contemplating why my love life is so barren--that I'm just selective. I have high standards, and frankly the guys at my school just aren't up to par. It's a good thing that I'm not throwing my affections away. If guys like me, they'll let me know. And most importantly--this is going to sound very cheesy--I don't need a man to be happy. Which I already knew, but sometimes you just have to remind yourself of these things.
  I know I'm beautiful, people tell me all the time. No, I am not talking about my mother! I get comments on my skin and hair frequently; golden olive( 50% Italian baby. You are free to be jealous!) and dark chocolate curls. Granted I've always wished I was as pale as snow. But I know that people spend hours roasting their beautiful skin to attain what I have naturally. So I'm not ugly.
  Confidence wise I could be better, but I've improved 10-fold from middle school. 6th grade I was the shy nerdy kid who had absolutely no fashion sense, was match-stick-thin, flat chested--of course, and was afraid of everything ( I prefer to forget this time in my life). 7th grade was my reform years, where I tried way to hard to be tough and bad-ass( I still had no fashion sense, little confidence, and was terribly thin) I didn't do work and tried my best to get into trouble; basically I was reinventing myself. 8th grade was a continuation of the previous year work wise, although I did gain some amazing friends--and some boobs. :D The summer before freshman year is when I really changed. I gained major self-esteem and realized that slacking off next year wasn't an option. Everything was going to count now, and not doing my work hadn't made me cooler at all.
  High School has been amazing, it kicks middle school's ass! I've made many friends a lot of them upperclassmen ( in High School age and grade don't really matter.) and boys. I'd never want to date any of them though. They're too good of friends and not very attractive.
  So ladies, the moral of the story is you are NOT losers for never having been kissed at 16, you are all beautiful and the guys are just too busy drooling to speak to you, Middle School sucks, and the High School dating pool is very slim. Keep upholding your standards and respect your body; our knights in shinning armor will come!

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