I don't think I've mentioned, but violin is my passion as of late. I started in 5th grade along with all my other classmates, but unlike them I keep coming back year after year. I just can't get enough of that shrill E string I guess. Until this year it's always been a hobby that I do for enjoyment, but something changed. I credit one of my favorite artists, Emilie Autumn, (I'm actually listening to her right now as I peck away on my keyboard). Her brilliant mastery of the electric violin has inspired me to turn my hobby into a living.
Third cause: I tried out for All State Orchestra--another suicide attempt. All State is a competition for spots in an orchestra comprised of the best players from around the state. The group gets together for 2 or 3 days of nonstop playing to learn their music for the concert they will give. It's a very prestigious honor. Scouts from university's come to watch, so if you're serious like I am, then it's a great opportunity. But, I didn't make it this year. I failed quite epically actually. It's okay though, I'm only a sophomore, I have 2 more years. And this the first it was even open for me to attempt, so I wasn't really expecting such tough competition; I know better now. Practice practice practice my friends! By senior year I'll be on that stage creating a cloud of rosin dust!
Currently I am taking my solo, La Folia by: Corelli,-- which I've been working on for almost a year now-- to district solo and ensemble( and then to state) and to audition for a summer music camp, Quartz Mountain. I really hope I can get into Quartz that would such a wonderful experience. Two weeks of musical immersion! Wish me luck. What's something you dream of doing?
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