Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Purple Panic!

  Dear Readers,
  I just learned a very valuable lesson: NEVER dye your hair in anyway if my mom is around to see it. Luckily I was not the dyee--which is ironic. My sister Kayla was actually the one who dyed her hair. She had her ends dipped in a lovely shade of purple. I totally approve of course. But our mum went ballistic. I feel kind of bad, because I'm the one who brought it to her attention.
  I was in the kitchen getting water, when I saw the purple ends dangling from her underneath her locks. At first I thought, "Nice extensions". Then her hair moved and I glimpsed where violet met marron(brown). A double take was required. My little baby sister dyed her hair before I did (Wow, that makes me feel like such a loser.)
 I came over to where she sat at the kitchen table--just to make sure it was my sister--and inquired "Kayla, when did you dye your hair purple?" Her eyes bulged and she threw me one of those 'stop-right-there-and-don't-say-another-word-or-I-will-murder-you' looks. Looking back now, I probably should have abided to her contorted face; but I guess it just didn't register in my brain that mum didn't know. I certainly would have never guessed she would have blown up like that. So, I bluntly stated, "Kayla's hair is purple."
 This is the point where our mother realizes what we are talking about and comes over to shriek at her. It was painful to watch, and at first I ducked out of the room, not wanting to watch the chaos I had evoked. But I realized the least I could do was the defend the poor sister I had thrown to the lions. Edging around the corner, I tried reasoning with the raving lady that had my sister's head under the sink, futilely washing the offending purple stains. "It's not going to come out like that. It will only last a couple weeks. It's not a big deal." But my cries went unheard, and she proceeded to drag her out the back door, where the rest of us in the kitchen could still hear her bellowing at the top her lungs.
  I mean my goodness, it's a little color! Hair grows and dye fades. It's not permanent. I now can't believe I ever entertained the thought of dying my whole head, for I know now my mother would surely shave it! 

Monday, 6 June 2011

Underclassman no more!

  Second thing that's happened to me lately is passing my sophomore year of High School! I am now officially a junior! *does happy dance* To me ,Junior year seams like it will be the best.As a Freshman you're "fresh-meat."  Forced to endure the jokes and glares from from your schoolmates high above on their pedal stools and coddling from the teachers. Sophomore year a floodgate of work is opened to counteract last years smooth ride. Senior year brings the stress and sorrow of graduating and going off into the wilderness of college.
As a Junior you're not an underclassman, yet you don't have to worry about growing up. Perfect!
  I was sad to see all my senior friends graduate though! I'm really going to miss having them around--especially my senior orchestra members(which is like half the orchestra). They always provided comic relief--well let me rephrase: Wilson always provided comic relief. For instance,his overly dramatic playing and habit of pulling his shirt up whenever our conductor had her back turned. I have no idea how she never caught him doing that.
  The Senior I'll miss most of all though is, Chris, my boyfriend. Yes, I finally have a boyfriend! I know you want all the details, and that I'm afraid is for another post. 

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Snip Snip!

Okay first new change that has come about in my life during my extended leave from blogging: New Hair Cute!
These pictures are from the day I got I got it trimmed--which actually wasn't that long ago. Why bangs you ask: well honestly I was just bored with my hair. Fringe isn't really something new to me, considering I had bangs up until like 6th or 7th grade. Back then my bangs looked awkward though mostly due to my manly bob of a haircut. lol (I know you might no believe me, but I really did look like a boy.) Now they lend me a sophisticated edge, with just a touch of sweetness. They also help balance out my heart shaped face which is wider on top; something else I discovered. Heart shaped faces are a beautiful thing to have. They can rock practically any haircut long or short. Their specialty is pixie cuts though. "Not everyone can get away with a pixie cut. The cute can make a square face look more square and a long face look even more oblong. So if you have a heart shaped face, you pretty much own the pixie cut."-- says This makes me curious to take some scissors and chop everything off! I've always wanted to go super short.(Ironic considering I was just complaining about looking like a boy.) But, that is a hair adventure for another day. For now I'm enjoying my bangs.
What's something you've been dying to do to your locks?

Saturday, 4 June 2011


Hole Crap--to anyone who happens to stumble upon my humble blog; I haven't posted since like the middle of winter!! It's a couple weeks into my summer vacation now. Where has the time gone? So many things have happened to me, that I couldn't possible catch you up in one post.
  For now please accept this mediocre rambling of an apology, as my latest entry.