These pictures are from the day I got I got it trimmed--which actually wasn't that long ago. Why bangs you ask: well honestly I was just bored with my hair. Fringe isn't really something new to me, considering I had bangs up until like 6th or 7th grade. Back then my bangs looked awkward though mostly due to my manly bob of a haircut. lol (I know you might no believe me, but I really did look like a boy.) Now they lend me a sophisticated edge, with just a touch of sweetness. They also help balance out my heart shaped face which is wider on top; something else I discovered. Heart shaped faces are a beautiful thing to have. They can rock practically any haircut long or short. Their specialty is pixie cuts though. "Not everyone can get away with a pixie cut. The cute can make a square face look more square and a long face look even more oblong. So if you have a heart shaped face, you pretty much own the pixie cut."-- says This makes me curious to take some scissors and chop everything off! I've always wanted to go super short.(Ironic considering I was just complaining about looking like a boy.) But, that is a hair adventure for another day. For now I'm enjoying my bangs.
What's something you've been dying to do to your locks?
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