Saturday 1 January 2011

Crossing the River of 2011!

So it's 2011. Yay, we all survived! A new year begins, and as always we have our resolutions. I though I would take today to type out my goals for 2011. Since everyone else will be too. So here it goes:

  •  Become closer to the Goddess and God.
  • continue challenging myself on the violin
  • eat well-- of course
  • exercise more
  • try meditation
  • be more confident
  • hangout with my friends on a regular basis
  • I really want to be able to do middle splits. Haha! I'm like an inch away from side splits( thanks to yoga)
  • save up money to buy my own car
  • brush and play more with Cupcake( my kitty ^, ,^ )
  • get my first job in the Summer 
Now this is all nice and well written out like this. But I've learned your more successful if you create small goals within your goals. So after you have your list drawn out, elaborate on each goal and make mini achievements you can accomplish. For example:
 I say I want to continue challenging myself on the violin. To do this I can-
                keep my place in the top orchestra by having a good audition 
                practice lots of scales and other technical exercises
                Audition or participate in/for any and everything I can
                play for at least 30 minutes everyday day
                and play for 2 hours at least 3 times a week
                And most importantly have fun, because when I stress out about not being good enough I set myself up for failure   
Strengthing my relationship with the Lord and Lady could be done by-
                 making an effort to celebrate the Sabbats with a formal ritual
                 sitting down and working on my B.O.S once a week
                  take some strolls through places of nature--like the park.
                  learning meditation
                 or even flat out chat them up "Hey Goddess, lovely full moon we're having!"     
To eat well, I can-
                           Bring a salad to lunch 2 times a week
                           eat fruits or veggies for an after school snack. Ants on  a log anyone! 
                           get up and cook a breakfast of eggs and toast instead of just grabbing cereal
                           Have a variety of color in my meals

Exercising more could entail- 
                          Going to the Y every other day
                           and fitting some yoga sequences into my daily routine

Gaining confidence will probably be a byproduct of my other goals. But I could also do things like-
                             Look in the mirror and tell myself I'm beautiful
                             Have good posture
                             pamper myself every now and then. Maybe I should lose my pedicure virginity... ;)
                             make peace with my imperfections
                             step outside of my comfort zone and meet new people

Getting out of the house and spending time with my friends could be done by-
                             making plans in advance instead of last minute
                             inviting at least one person to the spend the night on weekends. I hear the offer is usually reciprocated if you do it enough. :)
Saving $$$ for a car could be accomplished by putting away $5 from the weekly $20--and of course by getting a job this summer and saving half of my earnings. 

At ant rate, you get the idea. Write out that snazzy resolution list, but make sure you lay some stepping stones to your dreams, otherwise the river will carry you downstream. 

Anyone feel like sharing their New Year's Resolutions? I'd love to hear your plans, we could swap ideas. :) 



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